Uncover Your Security Risks
We know the security landscape. Let us guide you through it.
Understand How AI can help
Find out why AI-driven security solutions are so efficient and cost-effective.
Get Expert Advice
Work with our dedicated cyber security specialists to armour your business against threats.

Around the clock, proactive Threat Detection and Response 

Tridant’s Advanced Managed Detection and Response (ADMR) is an intelligent and cost effective endpoint solution for managing your business security needs. 24/7 threat hunting, powered by AI, means that your business can boost your security posture without the expense of additional manpower.
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100% visibility, with full security situational awareness

Tridant understands the importance of having full awareness of your security landscape. They will make sure that you know how to get the best out of AMDR, beyond basic incident reporting. This will allow you to have full control and real-time visibility of threats and intelligence trends as they arise.
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Tridant’s security expertise, paired with the powerful capabilities of AMDR, will keep your business on top of security challenges

Tridant’s security expertise, paired with the powerful capabilities of AMDR, will keep your business on top of security challenges.

Choosing the right cyber security specialists, with the right tools and techniques to secure your business, is possible when you work with industry leaders who utilise cutting-edge anti-threat cyber technologies.

Tridant will carefully assess your current security posture and unique challenges, and custom-develop a risk-protection solution that perfectly fits your needs.

Getting the right advice is easy with our team of dedicated cyber security specialists because we know our solutions inside out.

Working with Tridant will allow you to experience all the benefits of Advanced Managed Threat Detection, with expert advice whenever you need it. This means:

  • Having exceptional support at all times
  • Being educated about online security risks
  • Accessing our expertise to strengthen your security posture
  • Getting maximum benefits from your solutions
  • Being prepared with current and emerging cyber security threat intelligence

Book a free consultation today to see how around-the-clock threat intelligence, real-time reporting and comprehensive endpoint protection looks for your business.

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