Increase Planning Accuracy
Get accurate projections in revenue and costs with life-of-mine planning & continuous forecasting.
Improve Workforce Planning
Keep track of transfers, planned hires, skills, attrition, part-time versus full-time, contingent workers and more.
Seamlessly Manage Production
Follow both cost metrics and production metrics seamlessly throughout the process and compare actual performance to planned performance.
Mining Planning App

Unified Siloed Data

Today’s evolving mining business environment requires agility - and Tridant’s IMP application delivers.

For example, changes in metal prices, coupled with changes in production costs, can impact the overall mining and financial plans. Having the ability to quickly, easily, and accurately assess the necessary data to alter the assumptions used to plan can be the difference between being an industry leader or being left behind.

When you can confidently and transparently keep track of all the resources going into various capital projects, it makes it easier for the entire organisation to plan its allocation resources and communicate progress to investors.
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Mining Planning App

Enable Real-Time Insights

Regardless of the mining technique, heavy machinery is used throughout the process.

Employees manage, run, and maintain the machinery, and make decisions around input materials and consumables.

Using Tridant’s IMP application, you can follow both cost metrics and production metrics seamlessly throughout the process and compare actual performance to plan.

The app is built so that production metrics can be tracked down to shift level, which ensures all employees share the same information while removing the need for production update meetings.

Information is available on all devices including mobile and tablets.
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Mining Planning Made Easy

At Tridant, we understand the complexities involved in the mining planning and analysis process. Tridant mining solutions improve planning accuracy, enhance productivity, enable faster response times and reduce the cost of operations across the monthly planning process.

The Tridant IMP Application is specially designed to help mining companies streamline their planning, including:

  • Actual integration layered with planned physicals
  • Real-time data flow generating revenue and costs across the life of mine
  • Mining physical driven contract expense planning
  • Transparent stockpile reconciliation
  • Highly customisable processing logic to suit different products
  • Roster type assumptions for workforce planning
  • Simple project management function to automate reforecasting and actualisation
  • Scheduled and on-demand data refresh
  • Intuitive, direct, and user-friendly front end design for planners
  • Out of the box role profiles for 19+ different planning roles such as Mine Engineers, Project Officers, or Accountants

Managing a profitable mining operation starts with smarter planning – and Tridant provides the mining planning capabilities you need to achieve your business goals.

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