Solving Planning Challenges with Workday Adaptive

Published on: 28 June 2023
Written by: Surendra Kumar

Workday Adaptive Planning (Adaptive) is an integrated planning tool that effectively addresses various challenges and solves issues commonly encountered in financial and operational planning processes. Let's explore how it solves these problems:

1. Automated Integration of Data

Adaptive seamlessly integrates with your organisation's ERP system, which houses your actual financial data. Through automated data integration, Adaptive can pull in actuals from the ERP system on a regular basis. This eliminates the need for manual data entry or file transfers, ensuring that your planning models are always synchronised with the most up-to-date financial information.

2. Single Model

With Adaptive, you can create and maintain a single, centralised planning model. This means that all users access and work on the same version of the plan, eliminating the challenges associated with managing multiple versions of spreadsheets or workbooks. By having a single source of truth, you can avoid discrepancies, version control issues, and the time-consuming process of consolidating data from various sources.

3. User Access and Permissions

Adaptive provides comprehensive user access and permissions functionality. You can define roles and assign specific access levels to users based on their responsibilities and needs. This ensures that users can only view and modify the data (including salary details) and functionality that are relevant to their roles. By implementing granular user access controls, Adaptive enhances data security, reduces the risk of unauthorised data manipulation, and ensures that sensitive information remains protected.

4. Multiple Users

As a cloud-based application, Adaptive allows multiple users to collaborate simultaneously on planning activities. Users can access the system from their web browsers, enabling real-time collaboration and eliminating conflicts that arise when multiple individuals work on separate offline files. This promotes teamwork, enhances communication, and increases efficiency in the planning process.

5. Access Anywhere (Cloud)

Being a cloud-based solution, Adaptive enables users to access the application from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether users are working from the office, home, or while traveling, they can securely log in to Adaptive through their web browsers. This flexibility in access ensures that teams can work seamlessly, regardless of their physical location. It facilitates remote work, distributed teams, and global collaboration, ultimately increasing productivity and responsiveness.

6. Automation

Adaptive offers robust automation capabilities that streamline and simplify planning processes. Tasks that were traditionally manual and time-consuming, such as data consolidation, allocation, and complex calculations, can be automated within Adaptive. By defining formulas, rules, and calculations, you can automate repetitive tasks, significantly reducing manual effort and minimising the chances of errors. Automation saves time, improves accuracy, and allows users to focus on more value-added analysis and decision-making.

7. Dimensionality

One of the key strengths of Adaptive is its ability to handle multidimensional planning. It provides the flexibility to plan, analyse, and report across various dimensions such as business units, departments, customers, products, projects, assets, and more. This multidimensionality enables a granular understanding of the organisation's performance, allowing for deeper insights, better scenario analysis, and more informed decision-making. Users can slice and dice data based on different dimensions, providing a comprehensive view of the business.

8. Repeated Multiple Calculations by Line

Adaptive eliminates the need for repeated manual calculations through its advanced modeling capabilities. Within the application, you can define formulas, rules, and calculations based on your specific planning requirements. Once set up, these calculations are automatically applied to the relevant data points. This automation ensures consistency, accuracy, and efficiency, particularly when dealing with tasks like workforce planning by position, where multiple calculations may be involved.

By addressing the common issues and challenges faced in planning processes, Workday Adaptive Planning empowers organisations to streamline their planning processes, enhance collaboration, improve data accuracy, and make better-informed decisions based on real-time insights.

Replace your spreadsheet hell with FP&A in the cloud.

Workday Adaptive's Nice Circles of Spreadsheet Hell eBook covers how you can transform Excel spreadsheet hell into something more powerful - FP&A in the cloud. Learn how enterprise planning can improve your budgets, forecasts, and financial strategy, and why manual spreadsheets are holding you back from success. Download the eBook by filling out the form below.

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